Me and Ken

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Some one said.....

Some one told me that my youngest looked exactly like me. Well I think totally different so I putting them here to ask your opinions. I think she looks like my sister in law, her aunt. So what do you think? Do you think she looks like me or her Aunt? Let me know! Pics will go as follows, Me, my daughter, and her aunt.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Debs said...

Gee she sure does look like you.

Raven_Dase said...

LMAO you are soo bad! I knew YOU would post that:D:P Yes she should shes my baby. :D

Beckie said...

She has her Aunt's smile....

Stitchabilities said...

Hi, I think that she looks like her aunt,:)