Me and Ken

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Our 10 Year Aniversary of being together

Well today our 10 Year Aniversary of being together. My Dh and I have made it thru some really wonderful times together. I will truly cherish what we have. I have loved you with all my heart and always will Baby. I hope to have another wonderful 10 years together. Here are some pics of us thru out the years. April is our 10 year wedding aniversary. That will be even more special for us.

Our Proposal on Christmas Eve 1998
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Other pics thru the years
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Debs said...

NICE post and congrats! :)

Debs said...

Girl WTF Happened? LMAO Poor Poor KEN!

Raven_Dase said...

Whats funny!!:O:O That I went from beautiful to UGLY!!:O:O How dare you hurt my feelings like that:D LMAO JK!! Hugs

Debs said...

U know I loves you sis! LOL

I did NOT say you were ugly. :P

Raven_Dase said...

AWWW!!! I know that sis!! I luv ya :D

Unknown said...

Being together is the most outstanding experience on such exciting events. And, flowers and some chocolates also could be one of the best aniversary gifts without a doubt.